My Random Thoughts
Politics • Business
For people who like to think, maybe to much, and maybe the wrong things. I like social policies, with capitalist implementations.

A place to talk how to improve health care, schools and the political process. I believe in free speech and encourage all to speak. I also like a good debate. it is not about winning, it's about thinking and expressing.
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October 18, 2022
When did we not have Capitalism and free Markets?

I think free markets started when people left the caves, seriously. To create a village, you need many things. People would need to develop to a set skills that they could use and trade the use of those skills for skills of another. I spend a few minutes randomly thinking that through in this video.

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December 29, 2023
Good thinking
December 01, 2023
New forest in Canada
November 16, 2023
The real suicide of transition
November 14, 2022
Small update

Hello Everyone,

Been to busy and tired over here, but here are some future video i am thinking about. Maybe not so random...

I will be doing a series of wokism, the new religion, and compare it Catholicism

1, prayer, the woke prayer, compare it to the Our Father
2, the alter, the abortion alter
3, Of saints and spiritual reflection. No oil, and public sacrifice
4. Identity and virtue signaling more than just blue hair.

The school teacher strike again!
Mandates now bad
Just playing with us
Growing the unoin
school choice?

The good Union
Dating advice from old Portuguese Ladies.
Why you should not date online, how about talking to in real space and scripting

How to be a man club , a right of passage for boys. Why and what

.-Kids walk out or high school because of violence. Why kids can't vote, they expect adults to fix there problems

  • Alberta rights act
  • and a few more crazy things I read online.
    I need to put dates to these so that I can commit to finishing them. one step at a ...

March 12, 2024
February 12, 2024
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